My name is Russell Turner; I graduated from the Damascus Home of Redwater Straight Street Restoration Center in April, 2013. I heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ while at the Damascus Home. It was then I repented of my sins and trusted Christ for the forgiveness of my sins, and God caused me to be born again. All a gift from God. After graduation, I got married to my wife Sarah and now have three children. I could not stay away from the Damascus Home and eventually was asked to teach a class there, which I have done for years now. It has been a joy to be able to minister and bring the Gospel to the men at Straight Street. It has also been heartbreaking to see men who claim to be Christian when indeed they are not (1 John 3:7; John 8:34). Straight Street Restoration Center is a place where men who are enslaved to their iniquities and sin (like I was) can hear the Gospel and hopefully repent unto salvation or just repent if maybe they are in Christ. God is sovereign and, through His providence, placed me at Straight Street at just the right time. God continues to sanctify me just like His Word says He will. Through the power of Christ, I have never returned to my former lifestyle. It is only through God’s word, and His Holy Spirit is anything eternal accomplished. I pray God continues to save men at the Damascus Home’s Straight Street. Amen.